
Just A Weed ?

The humble dandelion . The bain of
most gardeners ..
But i love it`s vibrant colour ..
Splaying itself upward towards the sun
and saying i am here . The flower head
petals are called ray florets -
They mature into
the hair like parachutes to continue their
growth elsewhere .

Remember picking and blowing one
as a child ??


♥ Noelle ♥ said...

i have one in my garden now that is just white with the seeds to blow; my lil Gage pointed at it and said "bug"!! lol at least they are pretty yellow as opposed to brown!

noelle :)

amy said...

Of course I love dandelions because they are pretty and Melody loves them (keeps her occupied). Glad you got the package finally. :)

Meggie said...

I, too, love the somplicity of the dandelion.

Sherry said...

When I see these in a field, en masse I am totally taken with the bright colour. When I see them en masse in my own lawn -- not so much!! :)

There is no denying the beauty of the dandelion...and the fun as children of blowing on them when they are done.

I've eaten dandelions as well -- in a salad when I was in Italy -- an interesting experience for a 16 year old! Never had dandelion wine though...wonder what that's like?