Having done this - i was curious to know
if it had any or no meaning - so i read up on this subject .
Doodling might occur accidentally, or may indicate
familiarity with the realm of knowledge they belong to. Note
also that 'doodle' reallyrefers to absent-minded scribblings,
not conscious works of art that happen .
It must also be considered whether the inspiration
for a doodle isinternal or external. Is the artist
expressing concern with a current situation or experience
(a person causing difficulties, something on TV, or a movie they
have seen) or is it a reflection of an internal state(their
personality, an emotional state or conflict)?
And here is somethings i found out about mine..
Triangles are a geometrically stable shape but also
suggest direction and sense of purpose.
Arrows represent direction and ambition. Drawn
aggressively,they represent a desire for action. Drawn
in careful outline, they indicate a desire for progression
or advancement, especially if pointing upwards .
Purple may represent sexual frustration or a need
to appear unorthodox, and is a favorite color of artists .
Red often represents power. It can indicate anger
('seeing red') or a need to impose authority .
That`s just some of my " meanings "
Even though i was not really thinking of
what i was drawing - it seems my unconscious mind
was telling me something else .
I do have plans for another direction - i wish to go
and feel more fulfilled creatively .
Although it seemed a childish way to draw -
i have discovered something else about myself .
What will your doodles say about you ??
** text from Doodle analysis on Ask.com **
Polly wants to doodle all the day!! :)
I love doodling...and I think we do the same kind of doodling all the time...it is usually what we are thinking about, "who" we are and though "mindless" our mind is clearly sending a message!
Hey Carolyn! Just dropped by to say hello. What an interesting post on doodling...never realized there was such a thing as doodle analysis. Your drawing is lovely and I wish I had half of your creativity. Have a great Sunday, dear friend!
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