Flowers - that is ......
Snaps taken over the past few days ..
Spring is definately showing herself .
A single tulip - which was not planted
by us - it`s just appeared ! Like a few
other ones that have done ...

An orchid re-blooming - bought for my birthday
back in January . It has only 3 " pods " to bloom
once again and looks alittle sad - but i will
persevere and see if i can work my magic !! Ha Ha !!

And Good friday - i bought this plant - a Muscari -
Or garden grape hyacinth ...
Never had one before - and it can be planted outside .

BUT - wait on ....
Where the tulip is growing .. a few inches away ..
were these growing !! I noticed these the day after
i had bought the plant .. a little ironic don`t you think ? !

So after laughing to myself ..
I took a few morning shots ...
No rain in sight - just dew on the grass-
and got this ... It looks so much better
actual size ...

I cut the photo - and in a dew bead -
the 2nd large one from the right -
i could see my relection in there !!
Can you .. ??
Lovely clarity in the photos, Carolyn! Very nice!!
OMG your photography is awesome, that must be some special camera you have Carolyn :) Keep up the great picture taking, and I do see some reflections in the beads of water on that last photo.
These are beautiful photographs Carolyn. I still don't have anything like this in my garden but I noticed this morning that the woman across the street has some hyacinths up -- they're making me hopeful!
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