
Giving Hope ...

Above is my gift of hope and support
to my dear friend Rhonda`s mum - Lynn .
She is one of many breast cancer sufferer`s ,
and will be having radiation treatment soon .
Rhonda had asked anyone - if they wished to make
and send her a card - to help her through this
trying time , give her hope that it can be beaten
and that we are thinking of her - however far away
we are , and of whom we have not met .
I have done a hanging card collage . Just something
simple - that only took an hour of my time to
create - but may it bring Lynn - everlasting
inspiration - hope - For many more hours / days
that she needs to overcome and beat it . When she
will have those down days .. She can glance at this
one of many sent for her ...
I hope she likes it !

Glossy accents are on the butterflies
and you can click on the photo - to read
the message .

Mine will be winging it`s way to her soon -

But if you feel you can help - i know many have

already done so - please read it HERE


Rhondamum said...

Mom is going to LOVE this Carolyn. Especially since it is from you and she has heard so much about you. Thank you so much, and for posting about it as well. These cards have just given mom a new strength, with every single one that comes and all of the prayers have helped so very much. You are such a good friend!

Anyone else that would like to send a card can just add a comment to the link that Carolyn attached and I will send you her address. God bless you all!

Rhondamum said...

Oh, and you can also add the badge "A Card A Day For Lynn" to your blogs to help spread the word. Please feel free to use it and thanks!

Lynn said...

How lovely is this? Such a nice thing to do for Rhonda's mom :)

Sherry said...

This is truly beautiful Carolyn and as you know, the butterflies bring hope and faith and spirit -- to rest on the wings when we are tired and need to be carried...their symbolism is tremendous. Lynn will be joyed, touched and strengthed.