As it was suggested by my friend Sherry
in a comment she left on my sleeping mouse
watercolour ..
" just do it " , and have a go at
illustrations for a children's book .. Please !!
I had already had that thought , and not done anything ,
but when someone else has the same idea , then it
confirms it even more to yourself .
So - i am starting , slowly , and in between
all my other projects i want to create ,
some characters for a story and write it !!
Here is Buttercup ... the fluffy chick ..
just a prototype drawing ,
as i may leave out the pen marks , change the
beak / legs .
What do you think ? ?
Any suggestions will be most welcomed .
This will be a huge challenge - as i have no children ,
and may seem strange to those who have them
that i am even attempting this !
I have more research to do , what age range i
wish it to be in etc ... etc ...

It`s our spring mayday bank holiday this
weekend , and we`re busy , visiting relatives
and our first outdoor BBQ this year !
I`ll be making my famous potato salad ,
and the weather is supposed to be good !
So i wish you all a great weekend -
and i`ll see you next week !
Buttercup looks very pleased to be included in a story...and I don't believe you need to have children to be able to speak to or communicate with them. You were a child once (I'm pretty sure!!) and you'll know what you's not much different now. Just remember to not talk down to them and you'll be well on your way.
Enjoy the long weekend and your barbecue...and that famous potato salad!! Hope the sun shines throughout!
It's a holiday weekend for us in the states. Looking forward to some gardening and lots of rest also. Have a great mayday bank holiday, dear Carolyn! I LOVE little buttercup. You don't have to have your own children to be an illustrator. You would be great!
I agree with Sherry, you don't need to have children of your own to be able to connect with children. Just tune into your inner child. Your paintings are special , keep at it, and visualise, or dream as some call it as to how you want things to turn out :) Good for you, I love your little Buttercup, and the perfect name too.
Hey Caz! I love Buttercup, so soft and fluffy. But guess what? My girls love Buttercup too. I showed them the picture and they were just gaga! You will do a fabulous job with this and I am proud of you for going after it. You have amazing talent friend!
I have an award for you on my blog so be sure to check it out. Hope you are doing well and to chat soon. I really miss you!
xoxo Rhonda...
I love Buttercup! I'm going to share Buttercup's picture with my 3year old granddaughter this weekend. I already know that she will be asking for your book, so c'mon and hurry it up!!! You are so talented, Carolyn!
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