
A Sleeping Visitor ...

At the bottom of my garden ,
Under the old oak tree .
Snuggled up tightly ,
And as small as can be .

Just hidden from sight ,
Was a sleeping mouse .
Silently i gazed ,
Without making a sound .

Nested under a mushroom ,
As contented as can be .
I left him alone ,
I wonder if he knew me -
That i could see ?

Pen / water colour drawing - 5" square
and poem by myself .


juls4real said...

So very pretty and peaceful...

Lynn said...

Oh my gosh LOL, this is sooooooooooo adorable, you are very talented with these little paintings, keep it up :)

Sherry said...

I have a suggestion which I hope you will consider seriously. Instead of concentrating on your work as cards, given the lovely words you wrote to accompany this art...I would suggest writing and illustrating a children's book. I see no other option for you my dear. As they say at Nike.."just do it". Please!!!

juls4real said...

Oh, a book. I love the idea. What do you think???