Time to show you some more baking
i did last weekend :o)
Homemade - Swiss roll -
or i think in the USA it`s jello roll ?
It had been years since i made one with jam ,
i didn`t have any - so i used lemon curd
instead - I got some help later on - as you`ll see -
my other half videod me rolling it !!
When i was just going to snap pictures for you ;o)
Preheat oven to 200 f
Whisk together 3 eggs and 3oz caster sugar
until it forms peaks , then slowly fold in 3oz flour .
Pour into a tin lined with greased proof paper
my size tin is 12 x 9 " - an inch in depth .
It will only take 10 minutes to cook -
so don`t go doing something else ;o)
While mine was cooking -
i prepared another sheet of paper
sprinkled with sugar - no caster sugar left
it will look better with that though ;o)
I then put 4 Tblsp of lemon curd ( or jam ) and warmed
it in the microwave - to spread better .
10 minutes later ...
You have to be quick with the next stages -
Take it out of the tin and place the cooked side on the sugar -
then quickly peel away the paper .Spread the warm
chosen filling on - Then it`s rolling it up !
Not bad huh ??
Here i am rolling it up - ahem -
excuse the mess - and if i`d have known
i was going to make an appearance on here -
I would have tidied myself up a little !!
I`m not one for being in the limelight , only
on the odd occasion - and my Christmas video message -
i do have an idea for that this year - he he !!
And hey - it was late sunday morning -
that`s my excuse and i`m sticking to it !!
Leave to cool and slice -
and enjoy !!
This only lasted 2 days ..
the day after was better when the
filling had soaked into the sponge slightly .