
Free To Fly ..

Photographed in
The Master`s Garden
Stratford- upon - Avon .

A spider " floating " in it`s web ...

Red Admiral butterfly ....

I was reminded of story i was told -
and how it related to my early teenage years .
On feeling "different " and an outcast , lonely
and no real direction in my life ...
A butterfly had just emerged from a chrysalis -
having spent time inside during it`s transformation .
Spreading it`s wings in the sun . Another cocoon was
nearby - not yet opened - and it seemed to be
struggling to break out . It was helped out into
the world - by someone opening the cocoon - and it
once it opened and spread it`s wings .. it
turned out to be a moth ....

During difficult times - we can rest and receive

support from others ... You are an individual

and unique in your own way - whatever you

look like on the outside and feel in the inside .

Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need-
to make us grow stronger . If we were allowed to go
through life without any obstacles , it would
cripple us . We would not be as strong as we could
have been - and we could never fly .


Sherry said...

Beauty all over the page here today Carolyn -- from your autumnal background, to the butterfly on the braches, and even the dangling spider. But mostly -- your story and your words. ♥

Carole Burant said...

I'm just loving your new blog decor, perfect for Autumn:-) Such beautiful words you share with us today...let's fly and spread our wings together!! xoxo

Meggie said...

Beautiful butterfly story, Carolyn. We are all connected in some way and need to rely on each other from time to time. I feel so bad when some folks choose to isolate themselves and get so lonely.

Sandy said...

So very true! Your photos are fabulous!

Rhondamum said...

Beautiful pics and a story for life. I love that story. Thanks! When do I get to go on a trip with you?