
Giving Something Back ....

My dear friend SHERRY
during the month of october - is contributing to
Breast cancer aware month . Many of you know
that she , herself is a survivior , and in her own
words " This is my way of giving something
tangible back " . During october - she is selling
items from her Etsy Shop - with all the proceeds
going to The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.

Many of us have been affected by the 6 letter word -
knowing loved ones who were - and are diagnosed with
this disease . Affecting not only the sufferer - but family
and friends too . Like a pebble dropped in water -
it spreads out - and changes your life from that point .

If you would like to contribute to this , either by
selling items , donating money , or want to
promote this month - the above button image can be
added to your blog side bar .
Please get in touch with Sherry .

It does not matter to me - that it is not in
my country . I support my charities here .
But any money- however small will help find
a cure , and be felt across the world .

I will be showcasing some items on here to
purchase -

Thankyou !


Sherry said...

Carolyn, I can't thank you enough for promoting this endeavour and it touches my heart deeply that you feel as strongly about this as I do. You are so right -- we have all been touched by this 6 letter word (I often refer to it as a 4 letter word!) in some way -- either ourselves, or because of family or friends.

United we stand. Always. Falling is NOT an option!!

~~**Skye**~~ said...

Im glad the free mag link could be used :) Im heading over to Sherry's Etsy page and will be encouraging others to aswell.